Customizing dhcp client hostname in network-manager

Network-Manager has a lot of features. You can customize dhcp client-hostname or any other option for every network profile which is managed by the network-manager (not just wireless ones).

But, there is no GUI for this type of advanced customizations. You have to use network-manager’s cli utility which is named as nmcli.

First of all, list configured profiles in console (just run these commands as normal user, sudo access not needed):

$ nmcli con
NAME                UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE 
VodafoneNet-9A4BX1  0c56f145-05d0-4b72-946e-c9e4a95cb962  802-11-wireless  --     
miyaki              0bdcc6d1-133d-4fb4-81bd-137ebf6945f3  vpn  --     
TP-LINK_AP_18480    89d6dfff-1cc0-4833-8c8b-a2727be847d6  802-11-wireless  wlan1      
Wired connection 1  8cadcf80-2dd6-4198-a41b-f8e04380f1dc  802-3-ethernet   --   

Now we can get all of the details of a specific profile with nmcli con show command with giving profile name as last argument:

$ nmcli con show TP-LINK_AP_18480                          TP-LINK_AP_18480
connection.uuid:                        89d6dfff-1cc0-4833-8c8b-a2727be847d6
802-11-wireless.ssid:                   TP-LINK_AP_18480
ipv4.ignore-auto-routes:                no
ipv4.ignore-auto-dns:                   no
ipv4.dhcp-client-id:                    --
ipv4.dhcp-send-hostname:                yes
ipv4.dhcp-hostname:                     imac
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^^
DHCP4.OPTION[1]:                        requested_routers = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[2]:                        requested_domain_search = 1
DHCP4.OPTION[3]:                        network_number =

It gives very long output, I just include some parts of it.

You need to change ipv4.dhcp-hostname option which has current value as imac according the above output. To change a variable, nmcli con modify command must be used as below:

$ nmcli con modify TP-LINK_AP_18480 ipv4.dhcp-hostname "my-custom-hostname-01"

After that, network-manager will use your newly configured hostname when connecting to this wireless ssid network.

You should also check nmcli man page for other usages: